
The Temperate Horticulture Development Center was established during the third five year plan of his majesty government on Bhadra 14th, 2023 B.S as the joint effort of India and Government of Nepal as an orchard cum nursery. Currently,it is at the hierarchial standing under Government of Nepal, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development, Department of Agriculture, National Fruit Development Center and this center is situated at Gharapjhong Rural Municipality-2, Mustang district. In 53 years of time span, it has beena body of several department and council (Orchard cum Nursery Thak Marpha 2023 B.S, Agriculture Farm Thak Marpha 2029 B.S, National Temperate Horticulture Research Center, Marpha 2043 B.S, Horticulture Center Marpha 2052 B.S and Temperate Horticulture Development Center Marpha 2061 B.S) for implementing several horticultural activities as a national resource center. Starting from 20 ropani of land area during establishment, this center in 2029 B.S and 2035 B.S has extended its land area and currently it has 176 ropani (175 ropani in Marpha and 1 ropani in Jomsom). From the timeof armed conflict in 2058 B.S, the land area of 20 ropani under this centers name situated at Thasang-4, Ghansa, Mustang have been utilized by protective sector (Nepal Army).

This center is 7 kilometers away south from Jomsom (District headquarter of Mustang) and lies to the bank of Kaligandaki river. The center is co-ordinated at 28o 20’ to 29o 05’ North latitude and 83o 30’ to 84o 15’ East longitude with altitude of 2650 masl.

Organogram of the Center



  • To produce, sell and distribute saplings and seedlings of different improved varieties of temperate fruits to farmers.
  • To produce improved/foundation seeds and seedlings of different vegetables and sell/ distribute to the farmers.
  • To provide technical services about temperate fruit and fresh vegetable cultivation along with vegetable seed production technology.
  • To collect, conserve and maintain biodiversity of temperate fruits and vegetable crops.
  • To develop technical aspects on temperate fruit and vegetable processing.
  • To provide training on improved fruits and vegetable cultivation technology for technicians and farmers.

Under the current structure, Temperature Horticulture Development Center, Marpha has been provided with the following Term of Reference (ToR):

  • Varietal conservation and maintenance of various temperate fruits viz. Apple, Pear, Walnut.
  • To support National Fruit Development Center in evaluation of temperate fruits development related national commercial plans and policies.
  • Production and distribution of propagation materials of temperate fruits.
  • To train farmers about temperate fruits production and development.
  • To provide expert technical services on the related subject.
  • To co-operate and co-ordinate with nearest Agriculture Research Center/ Agriculture Knowledge Center for Temperate Fruit Development.
  • To utilize the land and other infrastructures and facilities to increase farm’s productivity and income.
  • To conduct small action oriented experimentations to solve the farm related problems.
  • To work as the national resource center for temperate fruit development.
  • To provide work implementation progress report to the National Fruit Development Center on time.

Based on the above mentioned ToR, major activities conducted by Temperate Horticulture Development Center, Marpha are as follows:

1. Production and selling of grafted saplings and seedlings of different winter fruits:

This center has been producing, selling and distributing the grafted saplings of several apple varieties (Red Delicious, Royal Delicious, Rich and Red Delicious, Golden Delicious and Fuji), seedlings and saplings of Wartlet variety of pear, Peregrine of peach, Methley of plum, Sakarpara of apricot, Ne plus ultra of almond, Himrod, Stuben, and Muscat Belly of grape and Hartley, and Ashley of thin-shell walnut to several other districts established as source. Similarly, it has been collecting, selling and distributing the seeds of Crab apple, which is importantly used for producing the rootstock seedling of apple. Grafted sapling of apple is produced by grafting on crab apple rootstock. Similarly apricot, peach and plum is grafted on Chili (Wild apricot) rootstock and pear on Mayal rootstock by Tongue Grafting. Seedling is produced and sold by directly sowing the seeds and growing on nursery.

2. Temperate fruit orchard management:

THDC, Marpha includes the orchards of several temperate fruits like apple, peach, plum, pear, apricot, almond, chili (wild apricot), Khalyaa (local peach) and grape. These orchards have been divided into four types: Demonstration orchard, Germplasm orchard, Production orchard and Mother Plant orchard. Apple and pears orchard have been trained and pruned with Open-central system and other fruit plants have been trained and pruned on the need basis. Generally, pruning operation is commenced from first week of December, each year and runs over the winter period. Immediately after pruning, the cut ends are applied with Bordeaux paste/ paint. On the months of January to March (Magh-Falgun of Nepalese calendar) Servo oil and insecticidal solutions are sprayed for pest management, which help in controlling insects like San-Jose Scale, Red spider Mites and Aphid. Pruning and insecticides spray are followed by preparation of basin around the trees, application of compost or farm yard manure and mixture of urea, Di-ammonium Phosphate (DAP), Murate of Potash (MOP), and Borax and painting on collar region with Bordeaux paste.

3. Production, selling and distribution of seeds and seedlings of improved variety of vegetables:

According to the approved annual activity and targets of this center, foundation seed and improved seed of several vegetable crops along with local garlic and local coriander seeds are produced. In case of potato, basic seed of cardinal variety is produced, sold and distributed to the farmers. This center basically produces the foundation seed of Marpha Chauda Paat variety of Broad Leaf Mustard, Tokinashi of radish, Nantis of carrot, Purple Top of turnip and Susaag of swisschard. Meanwhile, improved seed of Copenhagen Market variety of cabbage is also produced. Furthermore, seedlings of various vegetables (open pollinated and hybrid varieties) are grown under glass house, tunnel and gumose to sell and distribute to the farmers level. Since, farmers have trouble in seedling production due to severe cold during winter months, availability of ready-made seedling from this center have greatly benefitted them.

4. Provision of technical supports to the pocket areas of fruits, vegetables and potato:

THDC Marpha, according to its annual target activity, has been continuously providing the technical services on several fruits orchard and vegetable pockets of Mustang district which basically includes disease/ pest management, orchard layout, improved cultivation practices, etc. Emergency technical services have also been provided to the farmers according to the received information from them. Several practical and vocational trainings on establishment and management of apple orchard along with pears, walnut, apricot etc. and also, on-station and on-the-spot trainings on farmers’ field about the production technology of off-seasonal and seasonal potato and different vegetable crops, disease and pest management practices have also been provided by this farm center.

5. Production trials of seasonal and off-seasonal fresh vegetables and inter-cropping technology demonstration inside the fruit orchard of THDC, Marpha

Different seasonal and off-seasonal fresh vegetables are cultivated inside fruit orchards and production and selling of such fresh produces from this practice has helped in revenue collection along with technology extension in farmers about vegetable farming and cognizing farmers about the types of vegetable crops to be chosen for inter-cropping and methods to be followed. Demonstration of intercropping of onion, garlic, cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, French bean, garden pea, tomato, chilli, capsicum, brinjal, zucchini, broad leaf mustard, etc. inside fruit orchard is performed every year in this farm center.

6. Collection, conservation and maintenance of biodiversity:

Although this farm center is commercially concerned with production of 5 varieties of saplings, from the aspect of varietal collection and conservation of altogether 44 varieties of apple are done here. Similarly, local peach (Khalya) and other 4 improved peach varieties, 2 plum varieties, local apple (Kushyu), various crab apple, mel/ mayal, various olive varieties, Sea buckthorn (Chichi/ Dalechuk/Tora), local apricot (Chili), etc. have also been protected here in this farm center. Furthermore, local garlic and local coriander along with 6 other vegetable crops have been conserved and maintained at this center.

7. Fruit processing and selling and training farmers about post-harvest technologies:

Apple and apricot brandy is processed by utilizing the edible part of fruit (thalamus) remained after collection of seeds for rootstock from crab apple and local apricot and from the fresh unsold, unmarketable ‘C’ grade small apples various products like apple cider and jam are prepared. Plum wine is prepared from unsold/unmarketed and surplus production of plum. Also, dried apple and apricot are prepared and sold for revenue collection. This has primarily helped in utilizing the surplus fruits for preparing processed goods and revenue collection. Secondarily, it has also helped in technology extension to the farmers about processing of excess fruit through practical trainings conducted by farm center and in coordination with organizations based on their annual programs on the related topics.

Detail of the revenue collected by THDC, Marpha during several fiscal year:

F. Y. Revenue collected (NRs.) F. Y. Revenue collected (In NRs.)
2060/061  11,08,335  2069/070 43,15,182.10
2061/062  12,92,023.25  2070/071 48,19,139.80
2062/063  13,42,107.75 2071/072 58,07,990.99
2063/064  14,54,302.96 2072/073 58,80,840.65
2064/065  17,07,033.95 2073/074 61,40,191.82
2065/066  17,18,008.15  2074/075 67,19,264.55
2066/2067  18,62,016.40 2075/076 67,10,706.72
2067/2068  31,63,002.05  2076/077 70,81,411.9
2068/2069  40,75,621.70    

Figure : Graph showing revenue collected by Temperate Horticulture Development Center, Marpha from FY 2060/061 upto 2076/077 B.S

Price list of different processed products and seeds/ saplings available from THDC, Marpha

S. N. Name of particulars Quantity Price (In NRs.)
Processed products   
1 Apple/ apricot brandy Liter 500
2 Apple cider/ plum wine  Liter 400
3 Apple/ apricot jam kg 400
4 Dried apple kg 1000
5 Dried apricot kg 400
Vegetable seed    
1 Broad leaf mustard (Marpha chauda pat) foundation seed kg 1500
2 Cabbage (Copenhagen market) improved seed kg 715
3 Carrot (Nantis) foundation seed kg 1400
4 Radish (Tokinashi) foundation seed  kg 800
5 Swisschard  (Susaag) foundation seed  kg 735
6 Turnip (Purple top) foundation seed kg 500
7 Coriander (Local) improved seed kg 300
8 Garlic (Local) improved seed  kg 150
9 Basic Seed potato (Cardinal)   kg 45
Fruit seeds   
1 Crab apple seed kg 6000
2 Walnut seed   kg 600
3 Chili (Wild apricot) seed   kg 250
4 Hazelnut seed   kg 150
Price of grafted sapling, seedling, rootstock and scion stock of different temperate fruits   
1 Apple grafted per sapling 70
2 Apricot/Peach/Plum grafted per sapling 50
3 Pear grafted  per sapling 70
4 Thin-shell walnut grafted per sapling 100
5 Almond grafted  per sapling 60
6 Grape cutting per sapling 35
7 Hazelnut cutting per sapling 50
8 Thin-shell walnut (Seedling)  per sapling 40
9 Almond (Seedling)  per sapling 35
10 Crab apple (Rootstock) per sapling 25
11 Local apricot/chili per sapling 25
12 Apple/Pear/Peach/Plum scion per piece (1 feet length) 6 months to 1 year old branch 5
13 Almond scion  ’’ 20
14 Walnut scion  ,, 30

Temperate Horticulture Development Center

Marpha, Mustang

Phone/ Fax No. 069-400034

